Saturday, January 15, 2011

1st kitchen class International cuisine: blackbox (warm-up)

warm up 1st.....=)
Khamis ada kelas kitchen international cuisine, which is we need to cook any type of course, specialty cuisine at each country depends on which country that we become COD...huhu.
& aq dapat french week

 and thanks god, 
1st kitchen aritue chef bg sumer2 warm-up semula ENJIN2 yang dh berkarat tue... hehe.
ealah, some of us ader yg duk umah jer after hbis praktikal n ader jgk yg teruskan dgn membuat part time di tempat mereka2 praktikal termasuklah diri aq jgk...
our first class is 

(tapi blackbox tak baper nak blackbox sgtlah..coz takderlah sampai mcm dlm competition tuh)

then bila chef dh briefing itu dan ini...
bermulalah sesi 
~MISE EN PLACE ~ usual...
 setelah dibahagi-bahagikan tugas masing2.. saper entre, hot cooking, butcher...
aq ditugaskan di kitchen pastry! * I LIKEEEE* hehehe
ader 3 org ditugaskan di pastry..
aq, awanis n leeyana...
first2 agak rasa mcm janggal sikit...
ealah..semester lepas kan pergi praktikal,so 1 sem kot takder kt uitm penang nie, ..
n bila msuk semester nie..semua kitchen pun telah di-upgrade...utensil2 pun byk dh di-upgrade..
seriouslly,1st2 kitaorg bertiga tak tau nak wat aper sebenarnyer..blurr..bluee..blerrrr..
blank jap. tapi bila dh bukak chiller, bkk freezer yg kt dlm bakery tue..
so...ini hasilnyer sempena BLACKBOX warm-up nie:

1-chocolate fudge

2. chilled cheesecake pandan

3. chocolate mousse

aper pendapat korunk??
sila komen dan beri pendapat ea..
aq terima dengan hati yang terbuka.. 
so, at least after this aq leh perbetulkan mn yg tak betul..

(p/s: Appetizer shinggalah main course tak sempat nak snap, coz chef dh dtg tuk bg 2nd briefing..huhu)



afqafq said...

cantikkk!!! choc fudge ring tu camne wat? hhaa!

nella said...

choc fudge ring tue pakai sugar work jer, lilit kt mende bulat....=)